2017 Events

Murundaka 2018 Open Day
10am-1pm Saturday 24th February 2018
Come along to our Annual Open Day. Tour the site, meet residents, find out how we live communally and work together. The event will include introductory information, resident Q&A, and will finish with a communal lunch cooked by Murundaka residents.
An event of the National Sustainable Living Festival.
Event photos here.

The Great Cohousing Speed Date
2-5pm Saturday 24th February 2018
Murundaka Cohousing Community and Cohousing Australia are proud to present this cohousing networking event. Come and speed date a cohousing resident, or cohousing start-up, or planner, architect, financier, or a selection of other cohousing-related 'dates'. This is your chance to network and find out more about all things cohousing!
An event of the National Sustainable Living Festival.
Event photos here.

Murundaka Archi Tour
4.00-5.30pm Friday 8th December 2017
A tour for building industry professionals wanting to find out more about cohousing. The event includes a site tour, talk with residents, and discussion with current professionals working in the field about what works and what doesn't about the design of Murundaka.

Intro to Bike Maintenance workshop
10am-12pm Saturday 9th December 2017
Learn the basics of bicycle maintenance and get your bike ready for summer!
Facilitated by Donovan Roberts (Bike mechanic and Murundaka resident).
Supported by a Banyule City Council Environmental Sustainability grant.

Murundaka Tour (Spring 2017)
4.30-5.30pm Friday 10th November 2017
For anyone wanting to find out more about cohousing. Come for a tour, talk to residents, find out about the design of our community and how it facilitates social cohesion.
Facebook event page here.

Murundaka Tour
4.30-5.30pm Friday 21st July 2017
For anyone wanting to find out more about cohousing. Come for a tour, talk to residents, find out about the design of our community and how it facilitates social cohesion.
Facebook event page here.

Winter Fruit Tree Pruning workshop
9am-12pm Sunday 23rd July 2017
Come along to this workshop and learn the basics of Winter Fruit Tree Pruning.
Facilitated by experience grower (and pruner) Justin Calverley from Sensory Gardens.
Facebook event page here.
Made possible by a grant through Banyule City Council.

Introduction to Small Space Gardening
2-4pm Sunday 21st May 2017
Come along to this workshop and learn the basics of small space gardening. This 2-hour workshop will cover space utilisation, soil health, planting and others factors to maximise small garden spaces.
Facebook event page here.
Made possible by a grant through Banyule City Council.

Murundaka Tour
4.30-5.30pm Friday 12th May 2017
For anyone wanting to find out more about cohousing. Come for a tour, talk to residents, find out about the design of our community and how it facilitates social cohesion.
Facebook event page here.

Mapping The Groundswell forum
6-9pm Tuesday 9th May 2017
A groundswell of sustainable living is underway in Banyule; momentum for positive hange is growing. These forums will deepen & expand your understanding of sustainability & how to raise the bar; acknowledge work done, build relationships, make connections, enable resilience and catalyse new initiatives.
Facebook event page here.

Murundaka Archi Tour
Friday 17th March 2017
A semi-regular tour for building and industry professionals wanting to find out more about cohousing. The event included a site tour, a talk to residents, speaking with current professionals working in the field about what works and what doesn't about the design of Murundaka.
More tours coming soon...

Backyard Chooks Workshop
Saturday 18th March 2017
Made possible by a grant through Banyule City Council, this workshops covered the basics of backyard chicken-keeping, including the characteristics of different breeds (in order to make a selection that suits your setting and needs) as well as housing and care of chickens.
Facebook photos of event here.

Murundaka 2017 Open Day
Sunday 26th February 2017
Our 5th annual Open Day was attended by approximately 50 members of the public. We were lucky to enjoy beautiful, sunny weather and attendees were treated to an intro to cohousing presentation, tours of the community, Q&A with residents and a yummy, home-cooked communal lunch.
Facebook photos from the event here.

Cohousing Masterclass
Sunday 26th February 2017
This workshop was attended by a dozen members of the public and a half-dozen Murundaka residents. Topics covered included development models and processes, purchase and finance options, recruiting great members, collaborative decision-making and sharing of stories / information amongst participants.
Facebook event page here.